Creative Power Award

A small grants program for emerging culture creators. 

 Award + Eligibility

The Creative Power Award is a small grants programme designed to support creators working at the intersection of art and social justice. Winners receive: 

  • Up to $2000 USD / $3000 AUD in funding.

  • Monthly group mentoring sessions with fellow award winners, facilitated by Creative Power Award co-founder Rachel Hills.

  • Access to online group for award winners past and present.

What we support

Creative Power Award prioritises support for creative cultural ideas that create dialogue, shift perceptions, and drive social change. The format is up to you: your project could be written, visual, film, audio, theatre, or something else entirely.

Winners will demonstrate to us how they best meet all the priorities of Creative Power Award against the following assessment criteria about:

a) The project

  • Social Purpose: Winners will address a specific and pressing issue in society where change is needed, and show how the project will make a difference. 

  • Creativity: Winners will demonstrate how the chosen medium tells a story about the social issue and how it enhances potential for social change.


b) The creator

  • Game changing: Winners will explain how the grant money will enable them to complete the project, as an emerging artist. You will also explain how access to coaching and the Creative Power Network will help you.

  • Track record: Winners will show direct experience creating and distributing similar projects, and how you will use this to ensure this project is successful.

  • Distribution plan: Winners will provide a clear project distribution plan showing how you will ensure the world engages with your chosen social issue through their creation.

Who we support

Every applicant must meet all three eligibility criteria set out below:

  • Creative Power Award only supports emerging creators. Side hustles, volunteers, freelancers are all welcome to apply. Do not apply if you are a salaried professional running a project as part of your paid day job, or if you are a creator making a full-time living from your art.

  • Your project must be incomplete as of 31 December 2022. You must commit to completing your project by 31 December 2023.

  • You must be based in the USA or Australia.

How to apply

We don’t need detailed project plans, but we do need clear and concise answers that show us why you, and your project best deserve to win a Creative Power Award. 

The application asks you to share:

  • Yourself, what we need to know about you, and where you are based. 

  • Your project idea.

  • How much you are applying for and how you will use the grant and the coaching/ networking experience.  (Please note it is entirely legitimate, even encouraged, to say you will use the grant to financially support yourself as you complete your project. We believe that your labour as an artist has value.)

  • How you meet each of our criteria for support for both your project, and you as the creator.

  • Any supporting documents / links.

Applications have closed for the 2023 funding round. Applications will re-open in late 2023.

Got more questions? See the FAQs.
